Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rain! Rain! Rain!

Well, I think we are quite close to getting out of the drought we were in for so long here. It has rained pretty much for a week! We needed it so bad though, I hope the folks in southern OK and most of TX got some. They need it worse than even we did. Well since it has been raining so much, I don't have much to report on the progress of the garden. Mostly bc there has been none! LOL Well, I guess that is not completely true. My wonderful husband has moved the leftover hay we were fortunate to have over by the barn creating a "wall" around my spot! It was a brilliant idea! I have a courtyard of sorts to turn into a veg wonderland!

I have also just returned form a visit to the homestead (aka my parents house). It was lovely getting to visit and play cards and just relax. Spring break has been so wonderful and it could not have come at a better time. I needed it so bad. I am sooooo ready to be out of school. I hated college, what in my small stupid blonde mind possessed me to go back to school in any form? I like taking xrays, but I hate school. Just a few more months and then a national reg test and I will be free!!! Oh, I guess I am then expected to enslave myself to an employer then? Nahhhhh!!! I'll just get pregnant instead! LOL

Well, gotta go! I think we might be going to a horse sale just to get a feel for what is available out there. We are getting a horse. And I think my non horse informed husband is just as excited as I am LOL! Enjoy your day :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

more progress pictures of progress!

Here is proof spring is here! Yay! :D
Here is a shot showing some progress in cleaning the spot up! And I found a few random things I am excited to repurpose!
Here is the gigantic polk root we removed. It went at least 3.5 ft into the ground! I normally just let them grow bc the birds like them and they are attractive plants, but I did not want to fight them for growing space so I fought it, but had to call in reenforcements LOL. It put up a good fight, but it was no match for J and his post hole diggers ;)
Now get off your computer and go outside and enjoy the arrival of Spring! :D

Spring has sprung!

Well, we have been sick here at the farm. :( I had to go through antibiotics and steroids (and figured out I have an allergy to the antibiotic...another reason I went to the Dr. as a last resort and my instincts were right lol) DH is almost over it and we were able to work outside and get some garden stuff done! I am trying to clean up the spot by the barn to put a nice little container garden in. We are dealing with three generations of junk in our yard folks. I mean junk. We have hauled and piled and scraped and repurposed and sold so much crap and there is still stuff here. LOL. I am posting some pictures of our progress and some of the enormous polk root we had to remove from behind the barn (notice the scrap pile behind me...still a work in progress). I also started my seeds indoors in the last few weeks: Cherokee purple tomatoes, mortgage lifter tomatoes, watermelons, oregano, chamomile, basil strawberries, onions and garlic. I was also inspired by the latest issue of Mother Earth News magazine has inspired me to shoot for tons of delicious organic food from my own yard for basically pennies! It is so exciting spring is practically here! We have many many calves hitting the ground and I am so very close to talking DH into letting me have some chickens and ducks :) AND he finally agreed working cattle in the pasture would be much easier with horses! Yes! Well, I did my spring cleaning outside and I have way too many dishes and mounds of laundry to do and a shopping list for Sunflower market and Sams Club to make! Yay! Have a blessed day and maybe go start a little garden of your own! :)
These are before shots of the spot the day I started work on it. There is trash and barrels of junk :/

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

so tired

Well hello! Man has it been a day! I am so tired. The DH will be home late due to a meeting so I skipped from the hospital to the BFF's house! Yay! We are pinning, playing on Ravelry and watching Big Bang Theory! Yes, we are nerds, but we own it!!!! :) I don't get to see biomaj5 as often as I would like, but it is always so nice to hang and just goof off. I am looking forward to the break i have coming up. I get Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday off! Oh thank you Dear Lord thank you so much! I am exhausted and need to deep clean the house and sleep and knit. I am also looking forward to applying for a job. I will also be baking over the break! I have been baking a lot since my DH has an increasingly alarming sensitivity for food additives. We have been avoiding MSG, fluoride, aluminum and I have been avoiding soy (I choose to avoid soy because it has estrogenic properties and I just got my hormones balanced). I have always enjoyed baking and cooking but I especially enjoy it now as a wife (and hopefully soon a Mom). It makes me feel like I am totally contributing to our home! LOL I love the smell of bread baking and the smell of the scotch shortbread I used to make with my Mom. The older I get the more domestic I seem to get, which does not help my raging baby fever at all LOL. I am so ready to just relax over the break but for now I have to take a CT test after listening to a load of crap from our CEO about our upcoming trip to the legislature. I am not a fan of the bill my class is supposed to be lobbying for, but I have to go. Plus his talk was two hours long and we have to take a test immediately after lunch...thanks alot. (eyeroll) Well, I guess I better study, wait I can't bc we haven't even been given the material yet. This place is disgraceful. later days!

Monday, February 13, 2012

My oh my has it been a while! Well, a few things have changed since the last post. Yesterday was Jared's 30th birthday and today is Valentine's day! Jared is so sweet, he took me to buy one of those puffy vests from a certain farm store we frequent. I have been eyeing these for quite some time now and I was lucky enough to catch them on sale 50% off! Yay Cupid! Back to bigger updates...We have been hoping Jared would land a job a little closer to where I went to college in central OK, but after to applications and no news we have set our sights on staying closer to here. It does depress me a little, I'm not gonna lie. I want to be closer to my family, but it just may not be in God's plan for us right now. I have accepted it and I'm having fun looking for houses in the area we already live in. We are ok with our little love nest for now but my baby fever is acute and out of control. LOL since our house is not ideal for my plan of homebirth...yes, you read correctly. I'm one of those crazy hippie ladies you read about. I absolutely love the idea of giving birth to a baby (with little to no assistance other than an experienced midwife cheering my on) in the very home it will grow in. Homebirth gets a bad rep I think. The thought of strangers getting to spend the first precious moments of my baby's life with it whilst I wait helplessly by, exposed for the world to see does not interest me in the slightest. LOL. I have talked with Jared and it surprised the heck out of me to hear he is very open to the idea, but wanted to research it in publications first...OH MY DARLING NERD :). Isn't he precious ladies? So hooray for babies! Hooray for supportive husbands! and Hooray for...all natural diet? Yep, we have gone primal. Well, kind of. After Jared started displaying a horrifying sensitivity to MSGs and other food additives (his tongue swells up and he can't talk YIKES) we decided to read read read. We are big fans of Dr. Richard and Cyndi Becker. They have a wonderful little show we can pick up on our rabbit ears...forgive me I think it is called "Your Health"?...and have found out great information about a very natural approach to health and offers supplements and reading material from different sources (other Dr's and researchers). We have several books and have also decided we probably won't vaccinate our children either. I know you are probably thinking "hold on! what the devil are you doing?! You are already a terrible parent and you aren't even pregnant! your child will die of numerous horrible ailments!". I assure you I will argue my point on that particular note in later posts. It was HORRIFYING reading the research. I am absolutely infuriated by those who champion vaccinations.
I will also add my own recent experience with herbal medicine but since some may consider it TMI, I will keep it as "ungross and unpersonal" as possible LOL. I read on fertility blogs about chaste berry or "vitex", it is a plant used for centuries by other cultures to help balance female hormones and promote ovulation. Since I had never had a very punctual monthly visit I thought I would give it a try. I'm sure you think I am crazy and you are probably saying "why don't you just get on the pill? You crazy lady!" I have my own opinion of the pill. It is a joke. Both of my sisters use the pill (my older sis not anymore). I once watched my little sister punch a hole in our bathroom wall over not having any towels left. Dramatic? Yes. This was only one of several outbursts the pill has caused her. LOL. When not on the pill she is a totally calm and so much fun to be around...I made her stop taking it when she moved in with me in college LOL. I also don't like the way BC prevents pregnancy. I does not prevent an egg and sperm from uniting and forming a a zygote (a baby, a human, a person), it merely prevents the newly formed zygote from implanting in the uterus. It just lets it die. I am not typing this to offend others. If you choose the pill, that is your choice and I am glad we live in a country that lets you make that choice! :) I just know it is def NOT FOR ME. Vitex, while it does nothing to prevent pregnancy, completely balanced my hormones in 3 months. I run like clockwork now and my PMS is much better. I just want to share with other like minded ladies that there is another choice out there! Choices that don't cause weight gain, increased stroke risk and many other horrible things! Go natural! and feel better for it! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

little ones

Well, spring break is flying by so fast. I have cleaned my house a little, made delicious whole wheat cinnamon swirl bread,
and now I am at my mom and dad's house and much to my delight there is talk of fishing this afternoon! :) I love coming home. Don't get me wrong, I have much enjoyed building a little love nest in Perkins, but it is not the same feeling you get when you come home to the house you grew up in. I love watching my husband and my parents talk and laugh, I love playing games (we love Pit, Apples to Apples and Bunco!), and I have the extra special delight of watching my oldest nephew have his 11th birthday party (though his birthday is not until the 26th)! Now, I do not normally play favorites, but Jace is the best kid in the world. My sister and her husband are truly blessed and lucky to have such a fantastic kid. We will also get to attend the 5th birthday of my husband's nephew this weekend! He is a great kiddo as well! I love my nieces and nephews! Jace, Journie, Dannie, Maizzie, Alex, and new baby Anistyn...I am so proud to be your aunt!!! :)

On the knitting front, I have finally conquered my fear of dpn's thanks to the encouragement of biomaj5 (my bestie). I am actually making progress on my fair isle endpaper mitts too! It is tricky and it requires a lot of paying attention, but I am really proud and will be so excited to wear them! I am also working on an ipod cozy just to practice my dpn technique.
ipod cozy
my fair isle progress! I'm so proud :)
Well, have a fantastic day, and if I happen to catch a fish I will post a pic! Light and Love :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Finally some peace!

Well, it has been an incredibly long time since my last little visit here. Since then I have had many things going on! School is keeping me very busy, I found the root of my anxiety problem and my husband and I just might be moving! I am dangerously close to completing my first year in RadTech program and I can't wait to be done so I can actually make some money instead of spending it! I really love the work and the hospital I am at. I get to help people feel better and use all the anatomical knowledge I amassed during my undergrad degree. It can be stressful but I am quite happy with it. Now, the next item is very important: Zyrtec was causing my horrible anxiety I am quite certain. I was doing research for a school project and found a site (I will post a link later) that ordinary people can list side effects of otc drugs they are taking. Hundreds of people wrote that zyrtec (and it's generic counterparts) was causing them moderate to sever anxiety and depression, especially in children and young adults! Not to mention that many listed weight gain and failure to shed pounds as a side effect also! Not that I'm trying to blame all my problems on my allergy meds, but DANG! So I have kicked the zyrtec habit and now I feel much better! I don't constantly feel like I am on the verge of a panic attack. It is great! I have yet to see much of a difference in the weight department but that is probably due to my diet as of late. Sadly I have not been a good girl all the time! LOL Well, moving on, my husband is thinking about applying for a new job in ADA! YEA! So if all goes well, we could be living an hour from my parents! Only thing is, we would have to deal with being a commuter couple for a while and I'm a little scared about that. Well, I must go study for yet another test! Alas! It seems like it never ends! Have a fantastic day! :)